What is DIODE ? | How DIODE Works ? | How we can test the diode ?| SekhoHub|
Hi Friends in this Project we are going to see what is a diode how it works and how we can test the diode so without further Ado let’s start this Project.
What is DIODE ?
Diode is a two- terminal electronic device that conduct electric current in
Only One Direction it has low resistance in One Direction and high resistance in other diodes are most commonly used semiconductor devices.
This is the symbol of a diode diode has two terminals the positive terminal which is known as anode and the negative terminal which is known as cathode diode comes in different packages.
Diode comes in different packages.
Let’s see how a diode works?
We connect the positive terminal of a battery to the anode of the diode and the negative terminal of the battery to the cathode of a diode.
the diode become forward buis and current starts flowing through the diode and if we connect the positive terminal of the battery to the cathode of diode and negative terminal of the battery to anode of the diode the diode become reverse biased and no current flow through the diode every diode has a threshold voltage in this example our diode has threshold voltage of 7 volt if we connect a diode in forward bias and apply voltages less than threshold voltage the current will not flow through the diode but if we connect diode in forward bias and apply voltage more than threshold voltage the current starts flowing through the diode so in the forward Bice we need to apply voltages more than threshold voltage every diode also has a breakdown voltage in Reverse bi if you apply a voltage less than breakdown voltage the DI block the current to flow through it but if you apply a voltage more than breakdown voltage the current starts flowing through the diode in Reverse bias and it will damage the diode.
Every diode also has a maximum forward current if the current flowing through the diode is less than maximum forward current nothing will happen to the diode but if the current flowing through the diode is more than maximum forward current the diode heats up and this will damage the diode now let’s see how we can test a diode first set your multimeter to diode mode in the screen of the multimeter we will see the voltage drop if we connect positive prob of the meter to cathode of the diode and negative prob of the meterto anode of the diode we’ll see no voltage drop now if we connect the positive terminal of the Met meter to anode of the diode and negative terminal of the meter to cathode of the diode we’ll see voltage drop on the screen.
Now let’s test some diodes.
If we connect a device positive terminal to the negative terminal of the battery and negative terminal of the device to positive terminal of the battery this might damage the device but if we connect a diode in the series of device and connect the battery in Reverse Direction it will block the current and this will save our device.
If we apply AC signal at the input of a diode we will have DC signal at the output of a diode